Conference Agenda

Abstract Volume

Keynote Speaker:

Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon (confirmed)

Invited Plenary Speakers:

Rick Spinrad, Vice President for Research, Oregon State University (confirmed)
Connie Roser-Renouf, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University (confirmed)
Kathy Jacobs, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, on leave from University of Arizona (confirmed)
Dennis McLerran, Administrator, EPA Region 10 (confirmed)

Pre-conference Tour

Portland's Green Infrastructure for Climate Change:
Click here to Register

Instructions for Presenters

Poster Presentations:
Posters should be at most 4 ft x 4 ft in size.
Each will be assigned a number corresponding to its placement in the poster session.
Poster presenters are expected to stand by their poster for the majority of the poster session on 5-7pm Thursday.
There will be a competition and award for best student poster.
Oral Presentations:
Each speaker is allocated 20 minutes. This includes time for transitioning between speakers, and questions.
Concurrent sessions will include a synthesis of all talks at the end of each session.
Communication Best Practices

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